I DID! Seriously, there is so much squating/deadlifting/jumping that my poor poor hammies have been foam rolled every day this week. For at least 10 minutes at a time! I would foam roll while blogging if possible! =) I'm back to icing/foam rolling & epsom salt baths on a regular basis. And I added extra Magnesium to help too! You'd think I was busy practicing my fitness routine by how freakin sore I've been!
Also, you guys, you wouldn't BELIEVE how great I've been eating. it's A.W.E.S.O.M.E.
The last 2+ years since I discovered the "sub-culture" of fitness competitions, my eating has been either ON, or OFF. I'm not kiddin. It's so hard to find a happy medium. Enough that my off season "figure" has risen concern--perhaps too thick.......anyway....that's a whole other topic.
I'm off to watch a movie with the hubs. I have bootcamps tomorrow morning, 7 & 8am and then it's off to bike for a couple hours! YAY
I hope you are all doing VERY well. Enjoy your weekend! Thanks for stopping by
Love love love~
An old pic of my s-i-l Stefi & I. We went on a TWO hour hike today. FUN FUN!