"Beyond the comfort of what you already know, you'll find the wonder & magnificence of all you can become!"

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Picture Wall!!

WE LOVEEEEE Pix in our house. Yaiya's house is COVERED in pictures so we kind of took her lead. Who doesn't love to look at pix? I mean, really?? It just warms the house, too. So, we had a BIG empty wall from our kitchen that looks into our sunken den. We decided to make that our picture wall: Check it out!

Love YA!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Treadmill Intervals


Took a day off lifting, so I did the following Treadmill Interval Routine:

Incline 4%/Speed 4.0
Incline 3%/Speeed 4.1
Incline 2%/Speed 4.2
Incline 1%/Speed 4.3
Incline 0%/Speed 4.4

INTERVALS 1, 2 & 3:
Incline 0%/Speed 8.0 (90 Seconds)
Incline 3%/Speed 3.5 (Until I'm recovered/can breathe again!!)
Repeat 3 Times

Incline 0%/Speed 9.0 (60 Sec.)
Incline 3%/Speed 3.5 (Til Recovered)

Same as 1, 2, & 3

COOL DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Done dishes: Thank you Very Much :)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Upper Body BLAST

Here was my workout yesterday. My upperbody is TOAST today

10 Jump Pull Ups (On my Door Frame Pull Up contraption. It ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!! You know, the one you've seen on T.V. can't remember the name.......)
10 Pushup (Toes then knees when fatigued)
10 Dips

Did that 10 rounds. Holy cow. At first I was going pretty quick, but towards the end it was a littttttle shaky!!!

Try it out!!