"Beyond the comfort of what you already know, you'll find the wonder & magnificence of all you can become!"

Friday, April 24, 2009


We had a fabulous afternoon! I met my hubs at home for P90X Legs & Back at noon. Then we cleaned up and headed to HuHot for lunch. I kept it pretty healthy! A LITTLE bit of pad thai noodles, lots of chicken, black beans, jaley's (jalepenos) pineapple, edamame & tomatoes. YUMM!
Then we head to the movies and saw State of Play. It was pretty good-but the theatre was almost empty for the later matinee!!
Now we're just relaxing; we got packed up for our trip tomorrow, so pumped!

This picture is from lunch---if you can tell, my blonde is UUUBER grown out. me no likey. Soooo, I bought a box. Yep, that's right, I just colored my hair. I love it, it looks so much more natural......so hold tight, and i'll take pix this weekend! :) Think my natural red with copper/caramel instead of the blonde. :)

Love ya'll, have a FAB weekend~